Late For The Sky Production Company Adds
Healthopoly To Its Popular, Growing Line Of
"Custom-Opoly" Board Games
In concert with Talk 1's interactive media associates, Red Hawk Technologies, site updates have been executed for Late For The Sky Production Company,, to feature the Company's exciting new game offering, HEALTHOPOLY. HEALTHOPOLY is an informative and entertaining new game from the Cincinnati, Ohio-based Late For The Sky. The Company has been successfully creating, designing, printing, assembling, and distributing games since 1984. Late For The Sky's line of "customopoly" board games continues to grow as savvy marketers understand the power of positive awareness and, of course, play! HEALTHOPOLY provides businesses (like yours!) with a great way to attach their name to some good, healthy fun. Whether you're reaching out to promote good health for your employees, striving to attract new customers, or strengthening existing relationships, HEALTHOPOLY is just what the doctor ordered! Your company's images are prominently and professionally displayed on both the game box and the game board. The board spaces can also be customized to reflect your company's specific messaging. And, like all Late For The Sky games, HEALTHOPOLY features creative, high quality components, including game cards with informative health tips and facts.